News archive
28 February 2014
Christian Salles, TeRiFiQ Coordinator at Paris International Food Fair (Salon international de l'agriculture)
Presentation and Video (in French)
26-27 March 2014
2nd TeRiFiQ Annual Meeting, Ås, Norway (kindly hosted by
Nofima AS).
28 March 2014 The 2nd HDHL Conference, Brussels. Project website:
3-4 April 2014 "Congrès Goût-Nutrition-Santé : Plaisir & Santé des consommateurs" (Taste-Nutrition-Health: Consumers' pleasure & health), Dijon, France. Congress organised by the Vitagora food cluster.

22 April 2014
Tackling Childhood Obesity in Europe through Prevention and Partnership. Organised in Brussels by Public Policy Exchange Ltd.
18-19 June 20141st International Conference "Salt-Sugar-Lipids Reduction", La Rochelle, France, 18th-19th June 2014. Organised by the
Pleasure project with the participation of TeRifiQ.
NEW: the Book of abstracts is published.
8 September 2014
1st workshop with Industrial Advisory Board members, at FoodDrinkEurope Brussels from 11 to 15.30.
The aim of the event is to get feedback from the participants about the technical progress of the research activities and to propose eventually corrective actions.
DG Health & Consumers as well as BEUC association have been invited.
5 December 2014
PLEASURE Final Conference, Brussels.
17-18 February 20153rd TeRiFiQ Annual Meeting, Norwich, UK
28-31 May 20152nd International Conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering (FABE), Mykonos Island, Greece.
28-30 May 2015EurSafe2015 Conference "Know your food! – Food Ethics and Innovation". 12th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
28 June-1 July 2015ISOEN 2015, 16th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Noses, Dijon, France.
4-17 July 2015
6th International Symposium on “Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems: Physically inspired approaches from the nanoscale to the microscale” (DOF2015), Paris, France.