Combining Technologies to achieve significant binary Reductions in Sodium, Fat and Sugar content in everyday foods whilst optimizing their nutritional Quality
  • Improving the Quality of Everyday Food
    TeRiFiQ aims to achieve significant binary (salt and fat or fat and sugar) reductions in the level of sodium, sugar and fat in selected cheese (hard, semi-hard, soft), meat (cooked and dry-fermented sausages), cakes (muffins) and ready-made food products (sauces) whilst maintaining, and ...
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  • Europe and Food Policy
    At the European level, a benchmark for overall salt reduction of a minimum of 16% in 4 years against the individual baseline levels in 2008 has been established, applicable to all food products as well as to food consumed in restaurants and catering facilities such as canteens. This is seen ...
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  • Less Salt, Less Sugar, Less Fat
    In Cheese, Sausages, Muffins and SaucesThe overall objective of TeRiFiQ is to achieve significant binary reductions in sodium-fat and fatsugar content of the most frequently consumed food products around Europe whilst at the same time ensuring the products' nutritional and sensorial qualities,
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TeRiFiQ in brief

Start date: 01/01/2012
Duration: 48 months

Theme: KBBE.2011.2.3-05
[Processed foods with a lower salt, fat and sugar content]
Scheme: Collaborative Project
(small or medium-scale focussed research project targeted to SMEs)
Budget: 2.99 M €
Funder: EU 7th Framework Programme (FP7)
Partners: 17 organisations
(10 SMEs)
TeRiFiQ General Presentation

About TeRiFiQ


Combining Technologies to achieve significant binary Reductions in Sodium, Fat and Sugar content in everyday foods whilst optimizing their nutritional Quality

TeRiFiQ aims to achieve significant binary reductions in sodium-fat and fat-sugar content of the most frequently consumed food products around Europe whilst at the same time ensuring the products’ nutritional and sensorial qualities, safety and affordability for both industry and consumers




TeRiFiQ Final Conference, 27th October 2015 at Milan EXPO, Italy. Presentations are online

Project results in a nutshell: TeRiFiQ Infosheets, available in English and many other languages

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme
for research, technological development and demonstration